Classe move to China

I've just learned that Classe has moved production to China. Has anyone taken delivery of a Made in China Classe product?

Will moving to China devalue the brand? Will quality suffer?

I am thinking of purchasing the new CA-M300 monoblocks, but this move has me hesitating.

Te he he he.

You don't like the message either so you figure, "I'll cut him down to size and show him how small he really is." Nice try, but you’re too late. That “uncomfortable position” which you referred to did that long ago. That’s why I appreciate what I have now more than ever.

You say that I'm not the wealthy you are talking about. Hypothetically you are right, but effectively when the collective advocates that the so-called “rich” pay their fair share and I am lumped into the group with tax increases or a surtax, then you ARE talking about me.

Believe me, I get it. There are a lot of people much more successful and wealthy than I am and I'm okay with that. But in case you missed it, I'm not the one in here who is whining about how the rich are screwing me over.

Continue with your class warfare all you want. Stay on your bully pulpit and tell the world how compassionate you are and how you care about everyone else's plight. And when you're ready, give me a call and we'll talk about how much you actually give to charity (non tax deductible charity especially) and what you do for others. Based on my experience with numerous compassion-spewing big talkers, I can predict how the conversation will turn out. I’ve heard it all before about greed, elitism, selfness, etc. only to find out that the one casting the stones actually does nothing or very little in time and money for others. Ask my employees how they like their free healthcare, their matching funds 401k, their paid vacations, their Christmas bonuses, the costly company outings, etc. Then ask the community who can always be counted on to give to any and EVERY charity that asks. Ask each of the five strangers (for eight years running) how they felt when their kid got a $1,000 college scholarship from a total stranger or the parents of the kids who receive the $2,500 scholarships. Ask the Little League if the $3,500 they receive is meaningful, then call the Junior Golf program and don’t forget the underprivileged kid’s basketball program, and my church, and on and on.
Yeah, bring it on with your high and mighty utopian talk about the evils of greed, the less fortunate, compassion, etc. I’ll be waiting.

And you misinterpret my demeanor as cockiness and condescension. It's neither. It's anger. I have come to loathe people complaining about income inequity and pleading for the system to correct the imbalance. If one has worked hard and been fortunate, they are also burdened with the responsibility to give back and help others along the way. But that should be a personal decision - not a right of the collective to take from one and give to another. There has always been great disparity between the rich and poor throughout human history. The plutocratic mindset of the rich is not new, but what is new in my lifetime is the sense of entitlement from a new generation. Scream all you want at the plutocracy, read Marx, Engels, Bauer, Hess, advocate for equality, light incense...whatever. But stop trying to take more of my income and that of others simply because you don’t think it’s fair!

BTW, I never, ever listen to talk radio and never have. But since you made the grand assumption that I do, I will make one in return. Try reading something other than the Huffington Post.
If Classe amps still sound great and are still built well I could care less where its made.
Politics and how it relates to money is very simple really:

The people who don't have money, want to get more of it from the "rich" who are, in their impressions, hoarding the cash and benefitting inappropriately from an economic system designed for the "rich". These people will develop arguments to try to convince themselves that their views are really for the common good, even though that's just a smokescreen to cover for the fact that their only real concern is their own well-being. In the end, they're just being greedy.

The people who have money, want to hold onto that money, because the status quo is ideal for those who are benefitting the most from the current economic system. They are just as greedy as those trying to get at their money. These people will develop arguments to try to convince themselves that their views are really for the common good, even though that's just a smokescreen to cover for the fact that their only real concern is their own well-being. In the end, they're just being greedy.

At the end of the day, we're all the same, the only thing that changes is what team we play for.

Oh, and I'm not a big fan of Classe in general, so their move to China doesn't increase or decrease the likelihood that I'd buy any of their gear. But I do prefer to spend my money on merchandise not built using slave labour whenever possible.
Fiddler - Your writing has improved but you need to work on comprehension. I thought I made it clear that I don't care who gets rich but I do care how they do it. Buying my legislators out from under me because they can afford to invest in that way and the corrupt SCOTUS had made it legal for them to do so, is what bothers me. Having to listen to ridiculous rants about the level playing field from people who will do anything in their power to tilt it in their direction disgusts me.
What's The Huffington Post?