pass labs xa30 to valve amplifier.

hi all, i have the above amplifier direct to droplet cd player and zingali 20.6 ( i think thats model number) , chord anthem 2 xlr and epic speaker cable. no preamp as droplet has volume control.

ive been thinking of valve amps recently, but have never been able to hear one. the pass is excellent but i was wondering how a valve amp would change the sound. would a valve one have the same level of clarity and detail? i have heard valve amps offer a more laid back, spacial sound, with emphasis on soundstage? wht kind of price range should i be looking at to better the pass? any thought?
Here in the US, in the '80s and early '90s tube (valve) amps started to get more popular again. A lot of these models were mellow, and a lot lacked detail. Nowadays, they have a variety of different sound characteristics. I'm not familiar with the one you mentioned, but the newer ones can vary quite a bit.

Some newer tube amps may have too much detail, for some people. Newer coupling capacitors, and other parts have changed. A tube amp still seems to have a midrange that a lot feel is more closer to real, than a solid state. That is were most of the music is.

They use mosfet and other (transistors), to try to replicate tubes. And, a lot of these (solid state) are more laid back sounding, than some tube amps. So these newer tube amps can be more detailed than the average solid state. You really need to compare them, and I mean various ones to get an idea. The combination of different gear will influence the outcome too. Just hearing one or two won't give you a real idea in my opinion.

It still depends on the listener. I guess we vary more than the amps do. I use both. But, I lean toward tube amps for serious listening. A hybrid won't get you there, nor just a tube preamp. You need at least a tube power amp. And, tube power and preamp, for the full experience. A tube integrated, if done right and powerful enough, may work too.
Thank you for the replies. im in the uk and to listen to one or two ill have to travel half a day, and that will be most likely from the same manufacturer at one location. hi end audio dealers have been in decline for years here. my pass labs 30.5 sounds extremely good and there is no complaint in the sound department. perhaps its over detailed but i like the sound that way. i want to experience a tube amplifier that is in the same calibre as the pass,or even better. to date, ive never heard a single note from a tube amplifier. anyone point me to manufacturers that make good ones? thank you kindly.
Since 30 watts are enough to drive your speakers, I would consider the Music Reference RM10 MKII. I've owned both amps and it would be a good contest to see if tubes are your cup of tea. Your XA-30.5 is the finest SS I have heard (Alpeh J not bad either). A new RM is $1995 - relatively cheap, point-to-point, EL84 based tube amp with 35 watts into 8 ohms. A very neutral, revealing amp.
Thnk you Pubul57 for the reply and recommendation of valve amplifier. yes 30 watts drive the Zingali to very high levels with superb clarity. im told the zingali are very sensitive so 35 watts would easily be enough. ill investigate music reference. anyone with other suggestions? i would like to hear them. many thanks again.
If the Zingali's have a highish, flat input impedance the Atma-sphere S30 OTL (stere amp) would also be worth considering - 30 watts, Class A, triode, OTL. Given how little power you need, these would give you a very good idea of what good tube amps can do. I owne their M60 monoblocks since I need a bit more power, but hard to beat an OTL with appropriate speakers. Both RM and S30 are revealing and incisive in the way that good SS can be - neither is tubish in the derogatory sense, but they do the bloom thing spatially that is quite addictive that SS has a hard time replicating.