pass labs xa30 to valve amplifier.

hi all, i have the above amplifier direct to droplet cd player and zingali 20.6 ( i think thats model number) , chord anthem 2 xlr and epic speaker cable. no preamp as droplet has volume control.

ive been thinking of valve amps recently, but have never been able to hear one. the pass is excellent but i was wondering how a valve amp would change the sound. would a valve one have the same level of clarity and detail? i have heard valve amps offer a more laid back, spacial sound, with emphasis on soundstage? wht kind of price range should i be looking at to better the pass? any thought?
Thank you. ill look into the ref three. I read the reviews for ref 5 and it suggests sound of a very high calibre.
Im also considering atma spher mp3. Would anyone know if this preamp would work with the pass? i have leant from here that impedence would need matching. So would only as pass pre amp work correctly? What data should i be checking? if i know this, ill research the stats for myself. Sorry for all the questions. Thank you kindly.
THe MP-3 will drive the XA30.5 with ease from an impedance perspective, I think output impedance is 250 ohm which is very, very low, especially for a tube preamp. It also uses 6sn7 tubes which always seem to be in my favorite tube line stages - oh, an really balanced.
No, you just pick the right position on the volume control and it works fine. The MP-3 has a custom-built stepped volume control composed of 96 resistors. It sounds as good as a bypass.