I use both the Syrah and the Cabernet with two different systems. A big one with Sound Lab A-1, electrostatics, and Wolcott monoblocks (220 watts/ch) and other "less big" system with Cary 805AE, that uses 845 or 211 tubes with Von Schweikert db99 loudspeakers with ribbon supertweeter. Both systems sound very clean and detailed and both systems have similar "electrostatic" sound. In my opinion the Supratek preamps tend to make an uncolored sound, althoug of course it depends on the tubes on them and the rest of the system. The Cabernet is in some noticeable degree cleaner, more detailed and autoritative then the Syrah. I also tried my Wadia directly to my amps and the music seems clearer but at the end it´s metalic and I agree that it´s flat and without life.
About tubes I´m using in my Cab (and also part of them in the Syrah) Philips GZ34 metal base, WE350B as regulators, although lately I´ve tried also Sylvania 5932 with good results as a much lower price, Tung Sol 6SN7 round plates and TJPX4, in my Cab I can use also WE300B in place of PX4 but in my opinion the TJ sounds better.
If any of you want to take a look what are my loudspeakers here are they in their web
Bwhite, try to investigate on the old Tannoys monitor gold (http://www.hilberink.nl/speaker.htm) they´re easy to drive one point source speakers. I´m driving them in my bedroom with Sun Audio 2A3 integrated amp at low level with lush and delicated sound.