I am impressed with your choice of 6SN7s. I really like the Brimar CV1988 GTY. See if you can get some Sylvania GTs or Ws as well for 6SN7s. Given your choices with them I would definately recommend that you look into 5751s.
I find 5751s to be more defined and yield better soundstage in my applications. I agree that there are more good ones floating around than most NOS 12AX7s. I also say you should look into it- as no one can assert with certainty what you will like. I have a hunch you will like them. Sylvania triple mica BP are prolly the best but failing that, try some TM BP RCA white lable, Raytheon in general, (yes windmill getter but they are rare) then perhaps lastly GE with some special GE vintage exceptions. The militery versions of all are good.
I find 5751s to be more defined and yield better soundstage in my applications. I agree that there are more good ones floating around than most NOS 12AX7s. I also say you should look into it- as no one can assert with certainty what you will like. I have a hunch you will like them. Sylvania triple mica BP are prolly the best but failing that, try some TM BP RCA white lable, Raytheon in general, (yes windmill getter but they are rare) then perhaps lastly GE with some special GE vintage exceptions. The militery versions of all are good.