12ax7 vs 5751

hi all,
i need some advice. i`m very new to tube amplifiers and i`ve been doing some tube rolling.

i currently have a pair of grant fidelity matched psvane 12ax7t`s in my amp which sound fantastic.

what i`d like to know is which are the better tubes, 12ax7`s or 5751 tubes. i`ve been looking at forums and there are folk out there that say 5751 tubes are better than 12ax7 tubes.

can i have your thoughts on this please and also which are the good 5751`s to go for.

i really like the psvanes but if they can be bettered i`d go for it as my next line up of replacement tubes.

my amp is a yaqin mc100b. the tubes i have installed at the moment are.....
2 x psvane 12ax7t`s
2 x brimar 6sn7gty/cv1988`s
2 x sylvania 6sn7gtb`s
4 x electro harmonix kt88eh`s

many thanks in advance guys.
just another quickie update. with just 7 hours on the jan philips tubes and things have changed! wow and i mean WOW! everything sounds much clearer, as if they didn`t sound clear enough before! the extra clarity makes each instrument sound as if they are in their own spot within the soundstage and you get the sensation that you can see right into the recording. i don`t hear any extra information on the cd`s but the information that is there is far more pronounced and set naturally into the soundstage. just listened to dave gilmours on an island cd and this is by far the best i have heard this cd. throughout the cd his guitar has the most amazing tones that have real bite. i have to say this is a damned good recording that i`m totally addicted to listening to! no doubt there`ll be more to come soon.
Yes, when you change out the EH KT88s you will get more improvement.
Best of luck in getting the best out of your system.
hiya all i need a little info.....ok i have the ge 5751`s on order. the ones i`m getting have d getters. i`ve noticed other ge 5751`s have square getters. does anyone know if there`s any difference in sound between these 2?

i have about 30 hours now on the jan philips 5751`s and they`ve opened up very nicely. i have bass in spades now and voices seem much more natural and very well intergrated into the soundstage. i just love the bass i hear although i doubt the neighbours agree on that one!!!

mikirob i really can`t wait to hear the black treasure kt88-z`s. if my system sounds this good now then god only knows what the black treasures will bring to the table! also i just can`t wait to get the ge 5751`s. the jan philips tubes alone are pretty amazing sounding. also i don`t want to take anything away from the psvanes 12ax7-t`s. they are awesome sounding tubes. i reckon its just peoples taste as to what they`ll prefer rather than what sounds better. i`ll be trying the psvanes again with the black treasure kt88`s as i`ve heard they`re a very good match that helps bring out the best in the black treasures.

i`ve also got my eye on another pair of brimar 6sn7gty/cv1988 tubes. i`d say they`re the best tubes i have in my amplifier at this moment and i just love the tones it brings and all the openess. incredible tubes!
12AX7E EI ELITE NOS just received these tubes today. i bought these because they were made with the exact tooling that the telefunken 12ax7`s were made with. these have been the cheapest tubes purchased yet retailing at £39.00.

you have to hear the separation of instruments in the soundstage to believe it! absolutely stunning! all instruments are rich and smooth in tone. the highs are very smooth. the detail is second to none. the noise floor has been lowered significantly over all the other 12ax7 and also the jan philips 5751`s. absolutely silent back grounds! everything seems to have extra texture. i have to say the ge 5751`s are going to have to be pretty special to beat this! at this point in time i really can`t see these being bettered! but we`ll see. i`ve read that these ei elite tubes become microphonic after so many months of use. we`ll have to wait on that one. at this moment they`re very quiet and i pray they stay that way.

so far these tubes are of amazing sound quality. i know i`ve said that so far all the tubes i`ve listened to are more a matter of taste to the listener rather than one being better than the other. well i make an exception to that here!

the punch and depth of bass is shocking! it`s like taking one to the guts from mike tyson!!! even if these tubes lasted just a year i`ll be more than happy to buy another set. the sound is just incredible and i have to say they leave the others in the dust and the amazing thing about that is all the other tubes really don`t sound bad at all. in fact they all sound excellent in their own right but these are special!!!