Is an amp the next upgrade path for me? Advice...

Hi all, love the forum, long time fan, and a past purchaser of equipment from here.

My equipment prior to 3 weeks ago, were:
Axiom Audio M22Ti, Arcam a65plus integrated, Axiom EP 125 sub, Squeezebox touch, wiring/power all stock.

Recently purchased a set of PSB Imagine T towers to replace the m22.
Very happy with my decision, soundstage has really opened up!!

Of course, I am now limited to the volume I can play my music (I prefer 2 channel), and have noticed things falling apart a bit at higher volumes, mostly with the higher freq. output. The subwoofer I have at 50hz and below, and used mostly to add a lithe bit of "pop" to the electronica music I so much enjoy. Room size is smallish, say 12 feet b/w me and speakers, but will probably employing these in a larger space soon.

What should my next step up be? I'm interested in larger, more expansive soundstage. I want more "feeling" the music, with a bit more lower end. I want to try and improve the higher end "shrill" that I can get with higher volumes.

I AM NOT intersted in changing speakers, as I'm very happy with these towers.
I AM NOT interested in chancing cables, as I am just not completely sold on this upgrade path, at least, at the current level of equipment I have.

Would you recommend an outboard amp? Higher power Rotel or musical fidelity, for example? And how much power? ( I do want something that will last a long time, with further upgrades in speakers, and larger power req. in the future)
Would you recommend a change completely from the integrated to a much nicer integrated unit with higher output?
If I were to spend 1,000$ on a newer higher powered integrated vs 1000$ on a power amp, where would I see the MOST benefit.
Would you recommend a change the subwoofer either in addition to, or alone as a substantial upgrade?

I appreciate all your input! My budget is probably in the 1K range.

thanks all!
Thanks all for the great feedback!
So after thinking (of course while listening my beautiful little system :) I think I've realized that power is probably the thing I need/want/require the most.

I have looked at the belcantos, which are great power wise, but unfortunately the usb dac would not work properly with the Squeezbox, and I'm not interested in having a separate PC connected to this system.

TheNADS seem nice, but I will admit, I can be vain, and the "look" just does not do ANYTHING for me. Boring, just imho of course!!

Now the Odyssey Stereo amp seems to really stand out to me, I absolutely love the look, modern, yet unobtrusive, all around class. The specs seem up to par, with good power output 150w/ch into 8ohm, with decent current rating of >45, I think plenty for these PSB speakers, and would be good for upgrades down the road.

I really do like my integrated, just not the power output.
Now if there is an integrated that accepts digital inputs, and its own built in dec, with good power output, and a reasonable price, I would be sold!
I'm just not sure that's going to happen.

I figure, get the power now.. Save up, and get a nice pre-amp, possibly one with processor/dac, etc... in the future.
Does this sound reasonable to you all?

Any other amps you recommend I check out other than Odyssey: Something with looks, power >120 watts, and a decent current rating?

Also, in regards to changing the power supply of the squeezebox, after some reading, it does seem like a reasonable upgrade. I'm usually hesitant on power/cable upgrades, but it seems as though this one might be junk. Not sure how much is needed to spend on such a thing however....

thanks again for all your feedback!
Looking forward to responses.
In the price range(1K) you mentioned and the above 100 watts (quality)I can think of a few and some have already been mentioned:

Classe CA-101
McCormack DNA-125
Odyssey Stratos or Khatargo
Parasound Halo A23
B&K ST125
Belles 150 Hot Rod

Out of these I owned the B&K, which was nice, very warm sounding.
I currently own the CA-101 wich is a step up in performance - thought bass performance is not top notch with the Classe.

Best of luck to you.
Lou, Regarding your list: Can you or anyone explain the basis of why McCormack amps get so much attention and praise??.

The DNA-125 is 10 or more years old; McCormack, as a viable company to the best of my knowledge is out of business and was subsequently bought by Conrad Johnson, and SMc only does upgrades on the older Mc amps

McCormack DNA-125 cannot out perform the Odyssey Khartago which is 130 a channel, has received good reviews; and, I would bet the Stratos Standard would smoke it.
The McCormack units get good praise because of their rigged design and up grade path. They sound "good" stock and can be bought for reasonable prices, then upgraded to suit by SMCAudio.

The basic design is very similar to ODYSSEY gear, no fancy parts inside...just good old analog amplifier design. No, not exactly the same, the DNA-225 I owned runs warmer (probably more CLASS A bias) than the KISMET mono amps (run cool as a cucumber) so they are not carbon copies, but the same amplifier component design. No IC’s, just good parts.

But, they are BOTH simpler design perfected over time with better and better sounding parts.

USED MacCormack gear is close to ODYSSEY in value (Stratos amplifier). The advantage ODYSSEY has, are the factory direct sales. You get more bang for your buck, where the McCoramck gear, which is typical distribution sales) is close if you buy used and let the original owner absorb the distribution mark-up.

You can also buy the ODYSSEY amplifier straight-out to your budget, as Klaus is very accommodating to your situation.

I've owned BOTH the McCormak gear (DNA-225 and MAP-1) and ODYSSEY gear and liked them both. I've actually got an RLD-1 I bought used, and am having SMCAudio do platinum upgrade on it as I write this. So I do practice what I preach. Doing the factory direct model with the RLD-1 upgrade on a used pre amp (even a ten year old one) gets a lot of bang for the buck with modern components. The box and circuit board are the only parts that aren't new! And, the ODYSSEY KISMET mono amps are great sounding, too, at affordable prices.
Get a used Bel Canto 3i with built in dac. They come with usb or spdif inputs depending on what the owner wanted. I use one with a SB Touch and the sound is great. My 3i has the usb input and I performed the software hack found on the net to make the SB Touch output the signal thru the usb jack.

Great little ampB