Is an amp the next upgrade path for me? Advice...

Hi all, love the forum, long time fan, and a past purchaser of equipment from here.

My equipment prior to 3 weeks ago, were:
Axiom Audio M22Ti, Arcam a65plus integrated, Axiom EP 125 sub, Squeezebox touch, wiring/power all stock.

Recently purchased a set of PSB Imagine T towers to replace the m22.
Very happy with my decision, soundstage has really opened up!!

Of course, I am now limited to the volume I can play my music (I prefer 2 channel), and have noticed things falling apart a bit at higher volumes, mostly with the higher freq. output. The subwoofer I have at 50hz and below, and used mostly to add a lithe bit of "pop" to the electronica music I so much enjoy. Room size is smallish, say 12 feet b/w me and speakers, but will probably employing these in a larger space soon.

What should my next step up be? I'm interested in larger, more expansive soundstage. I want more "feeling" the music, with a bit more lower end. I want to try and improve the higher end "shrill" that I can get with higher volumes.

I AM NOT intersted in changing speakers, as I'm very happy with these towers.
I AM NOT interested in chancing cables, as I am just not completely sold on this upgrade path, at least, at the current level of equipment I have.

Would you recommend an outboard amp? Higher power Rotel or musical fidelity, for example? And how much power? ( I do want something that will last a long time, with further upgrades in speakers, and larger power req. in the future)
Would you recommend a change completely from the integrated to a much nicer integrated unit with higher output?
If I were to spend 1,000$ on a newer higher powered integrated vs 1000$ on a power amp, where would I see the MOST benefit.
Would you recommend a change the subwoofer either in addition to, or alone as a substantial upgrade?

I appreciate all your input! My budget is probably in the 1K range.

thanks all!
Thanks for the responses everyone! I think I am definitely interested in a power amp, and not another integrated.I figure in the future, once I change to a preamp/processor, I can move the arcam back to powering my axiomM22ti as a nice little bedroom setup!

The Odyssey Stratos has really caught my eye, but I continue to look at other amps to option. Any other suggestions for a good looking, powerful amp? Ended up getting some new speaker cables/interconnects from BlueJeans, I'll let you know if they "do anything" after I get them (mainly i wanted the convenience of banana plugs, figured, why not).

thanks again
I thought I would chime in as I have owned similar equipment to you:

I have a set of PSB image 4T (older version of your imagine set), squeeze box touch (make sure you are feeding non compressed files) and a axiom EP500 sub.

I started with a Sony home theatre receiver, moved to NAD separates (T163, T973) and then to a speaker change from the PSB to Dali and a Cary SLI 80. Then played with DAC's a bit.

From my experience, the more SS power you you add the more things " open up" and a tangible improvement is made. Also, with DAC's I was surprised at the difference you could make with one of these units.

So, with your budget I would offer a suggestion of trying to add more power and try squeeze a DAC in as well. Perhaps a NAD integrated like the 375bee on this site for under a $1k and maybe a Dacmagic, which I found helps the bass quite a bit.

Or like me, get into tubes, which this is a slippery slope - but man, for me nothing makes music like these babies. (though I now want to upgrade these to a " better " version, so it never ends)
In line with the dream integrated you mentioned, Wyred4Sound has a new integrated that includes a DAC. The mINT (mini-integrated). 100W into 8 ohms. Not familiar with your speakers so not sure if that would be enough power for you.
From your description, I would at least DOUBLE the power you have now, no less. And bass is the BIG user of power, too. So crank it up much at all and "poof" there goes your new headroom. Each 3 dB increase in SPL(about what most say is "louder") needs about twice the average power.

You don't really have enough money to buy a DAC for sound quality and an amplifier to get you out of your sonic ditch. Get the AMP pronto before you have a tweeter bill to keep that new DAC even farther away from purchase.
Thanks so much for the replies!
After plenty of research, and input from all of you, I decided that the AMP is really the first purchase I need to make. I do not want to under power my speakers and risk an issue down the road. Also, I liked the idea of going separate so that in the future I can mix and match. I loved the integrated for the system I have had, but future upgrades and changes would be difficult with a simple change to an integrated.

I have just purchased an Odyssey Stratos Extreme+ stereo amp, used here on audiogon, with what I think is a great price. Plus, talked to Klauss himself and seems like this would be a good match. Plus, a 20 year warranty is fantastic. This amp is near new, delivered in sep 2011, so is very up-to-date, and not even broken in yet! My hope is that this amp will be a foundation for years to come as I continue to expand.

I will let you all know how this amp turns out in my system!

Sadly, I have been spending exuberant amounts of time already looking at preamps. This hobby can be damaging to the psyche. lol
thanks again, and will update you all soon once the amp comes in.

take care