Hi everyone!
So I have been listening my new amp (Stratos Extreme SE w/ board upgrades, TS premium/cable upgrade, and WBT connectors) which I got for for an amazing price here on Audiogon.
What a difference!!!!
First of all, this amp is built like a tank, not some old Soviet era tank, but an Abrhams BUILT TO DESTROY type of tank :)
All joking aside, it really is a wonderful piece of equipment. I am not even able to put in my equipment rack, so it is sitting flat on the carpet.
AFter about a day of warmup, I gave it a listen.
The impact of the music was the most noticeable and immediate impact I felt. The music no longer felt so far in the distance, and veiled, instead it had punch, and a "you are right there" type of atmosphere.
I noticed a substantial improvement in the bass.
The soundstage is markedly improved. instruments are more distinctive now.
I had issue with these speakers originally because they did not "disappear" as well as I liked, but not anymore.
Voices are very crisp and almost too upfront compared to the prior amp.
Overall extremely happy with this purchase. I've been very lucky in that the components I have been adding have given noticeable improvements.
I did purchase some Blue Jeans cables for speakers, and interconnects. The build quality is great. I did not a/b the difference from my old monster cables, but then again, I'm not a huge proponent on expensive cable upgrades.
So next up, I have a PSB Subseries 500i in matching dark cherry coming soon, hoping to fill out the lower bass that I know will not be achieved without extremely expensive floor standers.
In the future, will work on DAC and Pre-Amp.
For now I'm happy, and just enjoy the music :)
Any comments/suggestions?