best chinese tube amp under $1k?

i just placed an order for the Tekton M-Lore which are 95dB
i plan to use a peachtree idecco as a dac/pre and now looking to pickup a tube amp, i know the chinese tube amps represent excellent value so if someone could suggest one to me that'd be great
Primaluna is manufactured in China.

Jolida and Antique Sound labs are some other choices.
I can vouch for Primaluna and Jolida being good sounding and well-built gear and I have used both with Tekton Lore and 4.5s. Nice match, must tube-roll to get best sound.
I'll second the Eastern Electric stuff as well. You could also check out Almarro 205s (Japanese), Sophia Baby, Xindak...I
I've been very happy with my Melody SP3. They were sold by the now-defunct AV123 company under the Onix brand name. They're about $500 used these days.