Oh dear, we're going to keep on with this, are we? Well guys, I'm one of those who believes that transducers have significantly more effect on what you're experiencing than do electronics. It's an opinion, obviously, just as you have your own. And it's based on 35 years of listening experience, and owning some of the finest gear made (e.g. Ayre MX-R, SoundLabs, the Messenger preamp, the VAC, and so on).
I won't waste any further time on responding to such comments or suggestions, since they were not the subject of this thread. If anyone has something relevant to add - within the context of the original question - please feel free.
I won't waste any further time on responding to such comments or suggestions, since they were not the subject of this thread. If anyone has something relevant to add - within the context of the original question - please feel free.