Looking to hear from Thor owners

Based on the good advice of fellow Audiogoners I took the plunge into the ta-1000. Just curious about others experiences with Thor gear. What other gear do you have? Which tubes? etc.?
I have only had mine about a week so I am still getting used to it.
Hi Guys,
Just saw the recent thread and thought I would throw in my two cents (about ugrading to higher power amps). I have a TA-1000 Mk 2 preamp, TA-3000 Mk 2 phono amp and used to have the TPA-30's. Of course, they all sounded great together, but I needed more power when I changed speakers (bought Avalon Acoustic Radians). As a result, I sold the TPA-30's and bought Canary Audio CA-160 monoblocks (140 watts ultralinear and 100 watts triode). I've had them about 9 months and couldn't be happier with the amps.

Again, speaker synergy is key with any amp, but the Canary's have been matched with 3 different speakers in my system (Avalon Radians, SAP Audio Quartettes and Von Schweikert VR-6's) and I have been pleased with the results with all of them.

I love the Thor gear though, haven't heard a preamp yet, that I would trade it for.

Best regards,
What speakers were you using with the 30watters? I thought of getting the 30's or 60's later.

You should get the 150's Ted has listed!!!!
Thanks Jayson
Hi Jayson,
With the TPA-30's I used SAP Audio Quartettes. They are not very well known, only a few retailers, but they are made in Italy and are beautifully crafted speakers. They were made for lower powered amps (espcially tubes) and were a wonderful match for the 30 watt Thors. Their imaging was fantastic (incredible vocals and small jazz) but they were not able to covey a larger musical environment.....orchestra, big arena rock, etc.

I later was able to complete a remodel on our basement and finally could have the sound room I had always hoped for. Since my room was much larger I used Avalon Radians for a while (great speaker but required at least 200 watts per channel) and now I have Von Schweikert VR-6's, which I truly enjoy.

I would love to get the 150's ...... but just don't have the funds, so I will probably stick with the current components for a while.

How about you? What are your impressions of the Thor and what speakers are you using?

Best regards,
I own the the TPA-30's and can say matched with my Sira LE preamp sound great. Ted Lindblad is one of the best guys in audio if not the best. He answers questions and returns calls promptly.

Still looking to get into the 30 watt amps. I have started a "short list" of potential speakers.
- Merlin
- Devore
- Tyler
- Deadulus
Any thoughts. Jayson