Is there any truth to this question?

Will a lower powered amp that can drive your speakers, in your room, listening to the music you like sound better than using a powerful amp to avoid clipping?

Here's the scenario: Use a 50 w YBA amp to drive 86 db efficient Vandersteens in a 10 x 12 room, listening to jazz or

Will a 200 w Krell or such sound better and more effortless.

Some say buy all the power you can afford and others say the bigger amps have more component pairs ie) transistors to match and that can effect sound quality.
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Why?... Because everything matters and no two systems will react the same or sound the same. You will have to listen for yourself in your room with your specific components to determine your favorite pairing. Sorry, but that is the way it goes. Absolutes do not exist in audio only in Vodka:-)
Does a bigger amp always sound better? No.
Can a bigger amp sound better? Yes.
Are lower powered amps simpler and easier to make sound good? Yes.
Do you sometimes need high power? Yes.
The "BEST" power amp in any given situation is determined by a series of variables, room size, preferred volume, individual taste etc. The best rule I have found is don't get more power than you actually need but make sure you have enough; see how simple it all is? LOL
Another question to which I am looking forward to answers. Two in one day. Not bad.