400-450Wpc Integrated to drive Thiel 2.3/2.4?

I fear my Musical Fidelity A308 at 300Wpc into 4 ohms isn't powerful enough to drive the Thiel 2.3 or 2.4's effortlessly and with enough authority as I'd like, so I'm throwing a net out there to see what other integrateds might work well.

I went from separates to this integrated, but if i'm buying the speakers and a new amp/preamp I can't afford it all right now.

Looks like the Bryston 4B's are well regarded as matching to these speakers, but at around $3K, then I'll need upgraded interconnects and a decent pre - I'm looking at a $5-6K outlay for it all, instead of (hopefully) just the speakers and a good integrated. I guess I'm looking at an integrated in the $2-3K range. Or should I save for a bit longer and go the separates route?
BTW, I believe the sensitivity of the Thiel CS 2.4's is 88 dB 2.83V/M, not 98 dB, and that's at a rated 4 Ohm nominal 3 Ohm minimum rating.


The Thiel CS 2.3's are slightly more sensitive, but also have a slightly lower minimum impedance.


IMHO, both require similar amplification. Of course room and individual volume levels required will need to be considered.
I do not own the speakers yet but am hoping to have them in a few weeks. I guess I will wait to hear them with my current integrated provided you guys don't think either of them will blow it up, given it is only rated to 4ohms.

I wouldn't mind looking at a beefier MF integrated - I've really enjoyed this current amps sound. I was thinking a beefy amp (pass? krell? MF?) with a CJ pre (PV14L?) might be a decent match also.

I'm in a pretty small room - 12' x 13'. Do any of you have experience with the Thiel 2.x's in a room that small - and do you think they'll integrate well?

I'm guessing you have an 8' ceiling too? That's a mighty difficult room. Might be too small, especially with those dimensions, for Thiel's 2 series. I'd suggest some speakers with less bass output, perhaps one of Theil's 1 series, which would probably decrease the cost of amplification as well. I've heard the otherwise good sounding Thiel 1.6's with some high watt MF mono amps at a show, and wasn't too impressed. The Thiel rep admitted there were other better sounding amps for them.
BTW, extra power is always good, but in such a small room it might be less critical.