hi everyone.
i have devore gibbon nines speakers.
i decided to buy amplifer for my speakers ,after alot of question here on audiogon what amp to buy i decided to go with leben (i hope i will be not dissapointed),my budget is max 4000-5000$. i think in this price range i cant buy shindo pre +power :-((
so not i consider what will be good value for the money cs 300x or cs600 ? all i know is that cs600have alot of power more but what will be more good to my speakers 300x or 600?
i have averge living room about (5 meter on 4 meters) i hear all kind of music rock alot and quiet music but not classic music.
so what the diffrent between them and what will be the best comb with my devore nines speakers 300x 0r 600 ???
thanks alot hope to hear about it
Actually, I think my LM Audio amp is very nice for $7k, but it only cost $1650. I really think it has advantages over my old Montille. I love the Montille, but this sounds great also, and has 32 watts per channel! I would not choose a CS300 over this, quite the opposite. I suppose there are those who would disagree, but they have a horse in this race. I strongly suggest anyone looking for a low power tube amp look at these LM Audio amps. They really convey the essence of the music, with a natural tone only good tubes provide. I also find I am a big fan of the KT77 tube.
I would say that the Leben has a certain cache, a physical beauty, sense of style, IMO, that the LM does not have. But the LM looks functionally fine, is very solidly constructed, and, not sure if I said this yet, sounds GREAT. I would call it an industrial look.
ok i have few conclusion from all this posts ,tell me if i m wrong?

1.leben cs300x good value for the money but maybe not have enough power to all kind of music (rock for example : like u2, depeche mode, scorpions)
2.cs600 not good value for the money because its in the same price range of shindo montille + auriges
3.LM audio im understand that its sounds great for is money and i dont understand if its even better musically from leben cs300x or 600 and shindo entery level ???
if this almost equall in the quality to leben and shindo enter level (montille+auriges),then maybe i will take LM audio for budget around 3000-4000 $
4.i like to know how the ayon triton sound with devore nines i dont found any posts on this ?
5.what about manley stingary how its sound with devore he have el84 tubes look nice ??
please can u answear to me too all these 4 things ..
its very importent to me to decided what will be the best choices and i must say that LM audio really give me thinking to consider , but im affried that the price so cheaper im wanna be sure that its good sound (i have before few months my cary sli80 integreted and it sound good with the devore but not wow and thin sound like to know if the LM audio is better sound with the my speakers)
Bolero - I have the Manley Stingray and love it driving my speakers (98db, pretty flat 8 ohm load). I took it to a friend's house and tried it with his Wilson WP8s. I didn't think this was a good match, and I have read that the Stingray does better with simpler loads.
I don't know how the Gibbons compare load-wise with the Wilsons (I believe they are both about 91db, the Wilsons are 4 ohm) but if they are similar then I'd say the Stingray may not be the best choice.
Just my opinion, and only very limited experience so take my input for what it's worth.
Well, I did own a stingray for a short time. I really would not put it in the same league as the lm audio. It was ok for it's price point, but not an over achiever like the LM. And to clarify, the LM is only $1650.