Pass Labs heatsinks temperature

Hi all

I have Pass Labs xa60.5 monoblocks and they are always warm to the touch at the heatsinks and not as hot as other class A amps I'm familiar with. A friend from the US that has the same model visited my place and told me his amps ran very much hotter than mine. I got concerned and looked at the manual where temperature was estimated at 55 degrees Celsius. I estimate mine at around 40 Degrees. I'm concerned my amps are not biased to pure class A as they should be. I contacted Pass and while they repeated that heat should be around 55 deg. they had no idea if my concerns are valid and they sounded quite mysterious about it. Did anyone has a xa.5 series model ever measured its temperature or has an idea what can I measure without opening the amps (with a technician) that will prove that they are working only in pure class A ?
Thanks in advance
Couple of questions:

On your front meters, where do the needles sit when the amps are idling?

Do they bounce around much when you are playing music?
Then take them to your dealer or send back to Pass to check bias. It is definately set too low.

meters are a little left than the middle and no bouncing around although I don't hear at high volume most of the time.

Hifigeek1 and Elberoth2
I'm from Israel so LA is a little far away and also sending them to Pass will be pricey if it comes out that nothing's wrong with them - I will be surprised if they will finance the trip back and forth.
Icorem: As I noted above, is a Pass Lab retailer located in Israel. Can you take the unit to this retailer?