Preamp Recommendation For My System

I have an Ayre C-5xe mp universal sacd/cd player, Cary

SA-200.2 amplifier, CJ PV-10 Al Pre-amp, and Selah Tempesta

Speakers. Both the speaker and cd player are more on the

neutral sounding side of the ledger, with the amp and pre-

amp on the warmer side of neutral. I am looking to upgrade

the pre-amp and considering these pre-amps:

2)Modwright Ls 100
3)Audio Horizons 2.3
4)SAS Audio 11A

Any thoughts on which one of these would best fit my

I have a C-J ET3 myself & I pair it w/ a C-J LP66S amp. It's a great combo if I must say. My speakers are the Legacy Studio HD's. I know this set up I have can be better. I'm tweaking it as my budget allows. I'm hoping to acquire a SACD player soon. The ET3 made The Absolute Sounds recommended list. More emphysis on the SE upgrade which is something I don't have. Check with Spearit Sound on their web site. It took a while for my ET3 to break in and at first it was dull sounding. It was picking up lots of noise from the rest of the house. It's a very sensitive pre I tell ya. Anyway, I slapped Cardas RCA caps on the unused inputs and bought a Channel Islands XDC-2 in line filter for it. Huge improvement with even greater depth and stereo seperation. I also put on the shortest cable I could get which was a Morrow Audio MAP2 and it's a half meter. I just thought I'd share what I have done for my ET3. Good luck on yours. PK
Thanks for the reply. I was strongly considering the ET-3.

I actually like the sound of the PV-10, however, it was an

entry level model at that time. I'm sure your pre-amp is

much better sounding. I am not able to audition one since

we have no dealer. Please comment on the soundstaging,

sounds like you have decided on your choices, i have used CJ gear for a long time, pv10 and premier 14 - recently switched to a dehavilland ultra verve - great performer and very reasonably price. just wanted to throw another contender in....good luck with your choice.
Don't make a move until you've taken the Audio Horizons for a test drive.Company still offers free home trial.It is in a different league.
Markwatkiss, what are the general characteristics in sound

of the 2.3? Is it more neutral or lush sounding? Does it

lean more towards say Audio Research or CJ? I am just

trying to get an idea of what kind of sound it leans

towards. Thanks