Preamp Recommendation For My System

I have an Ayre C-5xe mp universal sacd/cd player, Cary

SA-200.2 amplifier, CJ PV-10 Al Pre-amp, and Selah Tempesta

Speakers. Both the speaker and cd player are more on the

neutral sounding side of the ledger, with the amp and pre-

amp on the warmer side of neutral. I am looking to upgrade

the pre-amp and considering these pre-amps:

2)Modwright Ls 100
3)Audio Horizons 2.3
4)SAS Audio 11A

Any thoughts on which one of these would best fit my

Markwatkiss, what are the general characteristics in sound

of the 2.3? Is it more neutral or lush sounding? Does it

lean more towards say Audio Research or CJ? I am just

trying to get an idea of what kind of sound it leans

towards. Thanks
Upon warming up the musical presentation is emotionally immediate.It is not an AR or a CJ sound,rather it is very satisfying in its presentation of the entire musical landscape.It brings an utter sense of poise to the music,a layer of timing and texture of presence and aliveness that is seductive.Suggest you pore over the Audio Horizons thread on this forum for more particulars and access the latest professional review for other opinions.
Why not do the perfect match go balanced all the way
with your CD into
Cary dual Mono SLP O3 pre
balanced into your Cary 200.2
with Kimber Hero XLR and Roll the Tubes
Tesla 12AU7 and do Kimber 12 TC on your speaker wire
Best Johnnyr
Pops,I appreciate your recommending the Ultraverve. Do
you have the UltraVerve 3 model? Please comment on the improvements over your previous CJ models. I did some research on the DeHavilland website and it looks like real good performer and value. Thanks