rega P5 with dynavector 10x5..which phono?

hi folks
need help to chose a pre-phono to pair a rega P5 with a dynavector 10x5 cart..

I'm looking for PUNCHY bass and FAST sound

I was thinking about the dynavector p75 but then I read that it works better with low output MC and just ok with MC ho

Any advice is very welcome

thank you
To be honest, I primarily listen to imaging, and am not sure I've heard enough other phono's to make good comparisons on those dimensions. In comparing to my digital, I certainly think the sound is well balanced, the highs are softer and bit less detailed than the digital (but I guess that's normal and to be expected), and the bass is significantly better. Unfortunately, my current amp doesn't have the best bass control over the Thiels (see my other threads), so I'm not sure I'm in a good position to comment on the tight/soft dimension. Perhaps tonight I'll listen and see if I think I can make further comment along the dimensions you're most interested.
I have the same turntable and cartridge as you. I think they are a good match but not necessarily one that gives "FAST sound". I went from the Dynavector 10x5 to a Benz Micro Glider low output that I bought from a friend after he moved on to another cartridge. The sound was fast compared to the Dynavector. Then I broke the stylus. (O crap). I reinstalled the 10x5. I used a Simaudio LP3 phono pre that I felt mated well with the P5/ 10x5 setup.
In my opinion a phono pre is only going to take you part of the way to your desired sound. A cartridge upgrade will be necessary also. I am about to change my cartridge, either to a Soundsmith SMMC-2 or a new stylus from Soundsmith for my Benz Micro.
Totally disagree... and the Sim audio is a horrible match here.
Someone hasn't heard a properly matched phono stage.
And hence the constant circle of mismatching and changing gear ensues. :)
Back to the OP, the p-75 is a great match for the 10x5.
Try one, you'll see, or hear...:)