Preamp recomendation

Looking for advise on a good preamp. Under $1000, solid state, at least treble and bass control capability, and a remote control. Am currently using a Yamaha cx-630 preamp, along with original Legacy focus speakers, Hafler 9300 power amp, Cambridge audio 840-Z c-d player, Morrow MA1.1 interconnects, and staightwire laser 8 speaker cable.

Thanks for checking this out GH
I would do this a little different than the way you are going. Since you can't get a good active preamp anywhere near $1000, I would go passive. It will eliminate the problems you run into with a cheap active. You can find one well within your budget. After that, I would buy an EQ. If you are going to use tone controls, you might as well do it right. You will probably be happy with a behringer Ultracurve pro DEQ2496. These 2 pieces are well within your budget and should sound a lot better than the active unit.
Thanks for the response. I'm curious though, if a $300 plus unit can do the job, how come I wouldn't be able to find an active pre-amp for anywhere near $1000 that will.
you can find a cambridge 840 pre within your budget; nice piece and aesthetic and operating match for your cdp. parasound 2100 and arcam fmj (which i'm partial to) seem to meet your criteria.
Thanks for those recommendations, I'll check them out further on the net. I own an Aragon 18-K with the penny and giles volumn upgrade. I wonder how that would pair up with the Ultracurve pro DEQ2496 that Xxqq250 recommended. I see it gets good ratings on the net.
Correction, the c-d player in the initial description of my system is a Cambridge Audio Azur 840-C (not Z) My apologies.