New Version Jolida JD502P issues.

Anybody else have one of these? Why does mine (after some break-in) sound so good? What's wrong with me? Why doesn't everybody own one of these? These are nagging questions for which I have no me...besides, there aren't enough recent posts about these for my perusal needs.
Morning Wolf. Nothing wrong with you methinks. Sometimes there is good sounding equipment that won't break your wallet. Man you make a compelling argument for the JD502P from reading the previous threads on this. If I didn't have my Kavent P-3300 amp I'd consider the JD502P. There is a Jolida dealer by me too that I have to try hard not to visit to audition the JD502P.

Part of me thinks why there isn't much talk of Jolida is because of the old and ugly Jolida MD ( vs Jolida China ( fight that happened previously.
Hi Wolf, glad you are enjoying your new piece of equipment. I have heard Jolida on a couple of occasions in some mid-level systems and the brand seems to be a very good value. If it is standing its own in the same ring with CJ that is throwing some pretty heavy punches.
The lawsuit between Jolida MD and Jolida China soldiers on but since I can TALK to the Jolida MD dudes (Michael Allen, et al), they get my support. They're designing the stuff. Also, this amp is the MD modded (a great deal) version as well as the most recent incarnation of the thing, and it's simply fun burning my fingers using the "easy bias" feature. A physically involving event after all. Try burning your fingers on a non tube amp...not that easy now is it?

Sorry to invade the thread, but I just wanted to chime in as I just today took delivery of a "modded" (from Jolida)JD5T
preamp, and all the time I was waiting for it, I was expecting a good value for the dollar pre, but just after a
couple of hours with this thing, I am more blown away than
content! Wow, can this thing really sound this good for a tad
over $500?? I was using a Belles preamp before this and also
running my Emotiva XDA-1 pre/dac as a pre, and there is no comparison.
Swine thread invader! I had to look this (JD5T) up...yeah...Jolida preamps (and most of their other stuff, except the $9,000 Envoy thing) are too inexpensive to be truly cool, so you're gonna have to enjoy your new toy without the warm satisfaction and impending smirkathon (that's right...smirkathon) you can experience only by spending more money. Sad, but I'm right there with you...*sigh*...