Luxman vs. Accuphase

I am considering purchasing a Luxman or Accuphase Solid State Integrated amp. Does anyone have experiences with both solid state integrateds? Basic differences sonically? Thanks!
I get fine results with my Luxman 507U. Kind of a Goldilocks sound, not too boomy or bright or etched, lots of character, sweet palpable rounded vocals, nice all-there highs that are not painful. Almost on the level of the Pass X350 power amp I once owned, and bass is better defined on the Luxman. The Pass had a bit more roundness to vocals and depth. Using a good tube preamp with the Luxman as a power amp really makes things shine.
I ended up buying the Accuphase E-450 (now driving Magico V3's), and couldn't be happier with it. As I was winding my way through the decision process, I heard Luxman's 590, but not in a good setup. One of my reasons for deciding for the Accuphase was simply the dealer response and availability for audition (2 years ago, SF Bay Area). I have since listened to Luxman's 505 on SF monitors, and was also very impressed. I think both have potential, but I can personally only recommend the Accuphase, extremely detailed and balanced, without ever sounding harsh. I am less fond of the substantial heat generated by any of the class A versions, but of the AB designs, the Accuphase is outstanding. I know that I wouldn't ever need all the power the E450 can deliver, so could easily see that the smaller models might well be up for the task as well.
Thank you everyone for your responses. I read some similar threads and Accuphase seems to be the most favored although Luxman should be shown no disrespect. I got a quote on a new Accuphase e-360 for 10 grand. Whew, I certainly can't afford a new one so I'll be searching for something used.