Luxman vs. Accuphase

I am considering purchasing a Luxman or Accuphase Solid State Integrated amp. Does anyone have experiences with both solid state integrateds? Basic differences sonically? Thanks!
I changed my mind. After I ordered the Luxman L-550ax, I kept thinking about the Luxman L-590ax. I reviewed various comments on the Internet and kept thinking about the L-590ax. It makes no sense to buy the L-550ax and want to buy the L-590ax.

After thinking about it for several days, I cancelled my order for the Luxman L-550ax and ordered the Luxman L-590ax. This should be my last amp for a while.

I am hoping to get delivery sometime next week. I will keep you posted.
I picked up my Luxman L-590ax integrated amplifier yesterday from Music Lovers Audio (Retailer). This amp is very heavy and the box is huge (doubled boxed). My neighbor helped me move it from my car to my shelf. The hook up was easy and Music Lovers Audio helped me with some setup questions that they easily answered on the phone.

As I expected, the first several hours, it sounded like it needed more burn in time. It is sounding much better now and I am sure it still needs more burn in time. And, yes, it does get warm to touch.

It is hard for me to describe how it sounds. It seems the music is fuller, with more detail and with better bass control. It seems I am hearing more things than I did with the Ayre AX-7e amp The mid range is outstanding. Okay, I know it still needs more burn in time. I do not understand but it seems classical music sounds better on the Luxman than the Ayre. The music is clearer, more airy and easier to listen to. Overall, the new amplifier sounds very good in my system (more break in time is required). I plan on doing more listening today.

My source is the Ayre CX-7e MP CD player running balanced (Harmonic Technology Magic Link Two interconnect XLR cable) into the Luxman amp connected (Synergistic Research TESLA Quad Speaker Cable) to the Sonus Faber Audio M Speakers on Sonus Faber stands.
The original question was for information on Luxman vs. Accuphase. I received the information below from the US Luxman distributor, On Higher Note, about the company, Luxman.

"Luxman is located in Yokohama, Japan - where they design all the products. They have four factories where they assemble the gear. All of the resistors in the audio chain are custom made especially for Luxman to their exact specifications. Sales & Engineering is approximately 40 employees. In the L-590ax amplifier, all of the parts are Japan sourced. Luxman is owned by IAG out of Taiwan, but they pretty much leave Luxman to sort everything out themselves. They do not tell Luxman what to make, nor how to make it. The domestic market is still 90% of Luxman's business".
Hi Hgeifman,

Congratulation for the new amp!

IMO it was definitively a good move to order the L-590ax especially since you plan to keep it for a long while.

Best wishes,
I own Luxman 590 AX since august 2011. It is a terrific amp., it is worth every penny I paid for it, but I have to say that
burning in process was, in my case, very painful. It took
almost 1000 hours before it opened entirely.
Also I got spectacular additional improvement when I replaced 8 original Luxman fuses with Hifi Tuning Supreme ones.
I hope it is my last amp in life.