Looking for a great value integrated

I'm looking to buy an integrated amp to go into one of my two setups. I haven't found much in the way of direct comparisons among the best solid-state integrateds in this range, and any advice would be greatly appreciated. As of now, my setups are:
1)Totem Rainmakers + Moon 100d + NAD C375BEE (more musical)
2)B&W CM7 + V-DAC/V-Link + Rotel RSX-1056 (more for tv)

I'd like to replace the Rotel in the second system with a better integrated amp, however, I'm not sure if I will use the new integrated with the CM7's or move my NAD to that system and use the new amp with my Totems. The price range I'm looking at is under 1k used (preferably lower but I'm flexible). I also would prefer something that is readily available and can be found easily on Agon. So, I'd like to know two things really--what integrated would make for a great upgrade over my NAD if I choose to place it in my Totem system (in which case I'd be willing to spend more $ because I care more about my musical system), OR, if I just decide to replace my Rotel, what would be a great value integrated for less money to go with the CM7s (ideally closer to the $700 range used)?

I've heard lots of things about offerings from Rega, Arcam, Creek, NAD, etc, but I need some direction to choose one over the others. Thanks for your help.
I think I may try to do some auditioning of the integrated amps you guys mentioned with my Rainmakers. But, what about if I just decide to focus on the B&W system--what would go well with the CM7's for a bit cheaper? Let me be clear, I don't like the Rotel sound very much, so I want to try to stay away from Rotel. I am currently finding the Rotel+CM7 combo to be a bit thin sounding, lacking mid-range. Some extra warmth would be nice too. Some have mentioned the Rega Brio--what about the Mira? The Rega's are very appealing to me at the price point, and from the things I hear people say about them. I like the small/simple package as well. Unfortunately, I won't be able to audition any Rega amps with my speakers, so if I purchase one it will be on faith alone. Would these go well with the B&W CM7?

As for the other integrated amps, how would you describe their sound?
I would look into Rega's very inexpensive integrateds, or if you want to spend a little bit more, you can't do too much better than Naim in the solid state realm.
I agree that a speaker upgrade looks to be a logical move here. I went from the Totem Rainmakers to Merlin and never looked back. The Merlins are in a different league entirely. You can pick them up at a very reasonable price on the after market.
Jolida keeps getting better at this stuff so maybe try one of their newer integrated amps, hybrid or all tube...I have one of their new tube power amps and it's a beautiful kick ass little bargain.
Try the new Rega Brio 900 bucks Clarity and musical and built and heavey like a brick