Hi Rattosecond
Welcome to the club. Like Wolf said there will be LOTS of preamp tube suggestions from owners to tube sellers.
Here are some combos that others have recommended to me and some that I have tried.
Tungsram 12AX7 tubes platinum or gold matched paired with Mullard CV4024 12AT7 type tubes.
I too also liked the Preferred 7025 from the tubestore paired with the Mullard CV4024 tubes.
If your source is a bit laid back or mellow to get more detail out of your music I liked the combination of Penta Labs 12AT7 tubes paired with Groove Tubes Gold Series GT-12AX7-C.
If your source is forward or has a high gain I liked pairing reissue Tung Sol 12AT7 and Mullard reissue 12AX7 tubes together.
Again this is all system dependent and in the systems I had these last 3 combinations is what I found after weeks of listening. I had Tung Sol KT-120 tubes in my Jolida at the time.
Best of luck on your search. I hope I have not confused you further.
Welcome to the club. Like Wolf said there will be LOTS of preamp tube suggestions from owners to tube sellers.
Here are some combos that others have recommended to me and some that I have tried.
Tungsram 12AX7 tubes platinum or gold matched paired with Mullard CV4024 12AT7 type tubes.
I too also liked the Preferred 7025 from the tubestore paired with the Mullard CV4024 tubes.
If your source is a bit laid back or mellow to get more detail out of your music I liked the combination of Penta Labs 12AT7 tubes paired with Groove Tubes Gold Series GT-12AX7-C.
If your source is forward or has a high gain I liked pairing reissue Tung Sol 12AT7 and Mullard reissue 12AX7 tubes together.
Again this is all system dependent and in the systems I had these last 3 combinations is what I found after weeks of listening. I had Tung Sol KT-120 tubes in my Jolida at the time.
Best of luck on your search. I hope I have not confused you further.