Bob Carver LLC Black Beauty Review

If any of you GON members are interested in Bob Carver's new mono-block tube amps take a look at my review that was just posted on It's in the recent short review section on the front page. It was a very interesting experience to compare the Carver's performance with my Pass Labs XA-60.5's.
Good news! Bob has informed me replacing the stock volume pot with the Gold Point attenuator by a qualified professional will not void the warranty on the amp.
Have you seen this review?

The reviewer Mr. London talked of shortcomings in the HF and refinement with regard to its midrange and bottom-end performance. He goes on to say:The amount of air, openness and natural sparkle that you naturally hear on cymbals, bells and triangles were somewhat missing with the Black Beauty's presentation of the high frequencies. I don't want to exaggerate this shortcoming. However, regardless of what music selection I used in my auditioning process, the fine details compared to the Pass Labs XA-60.5s were something that I found lacking. The MG-20s use a ribbon tweeter and the Cellos use an air-motion tweeter, which both are highly regarded high-frequency transducers. If your speakers are not as extended on the top end, you might not hear this to the degree that I did.

BTW,I'm taking a Poll on two very influential jazz recording engineers. Please visit my website and vote for your favorite jazz engineer: Rudy Van Gelder or Roy DuNann.

Michael Miguest