Good amp match for vinatge Vandersteen 2C's?

I recently bought a pair of these in great condition. I'm finding the treble a little on the soft/warm side. Any amp suggestions that will help balance out the sound? I'm thinking Bryston.
Personally, I think that I'd go the other way here:

The soft top end of the original Vandy 2 was an essential part of that speaker's character (and charm). I say "Don't fight it".

I first heard the Vandy 2 paired with the original Quicksilver mono amps (30+ years ago!) and loved the pairing for mid-range centric music. I specifically recall a demo of a lovely acoustic guitar recording that highlighted this effect.


PS The Johnny R who posted above is Audioconnection in Verona, NJ. It's the same store at which I heard the Vandy/Quicksilver demo, cited above (tho, at that time, it was owned by a different fellow, named IIRC Hart Hutschens).

This exactly why I want to hear the Sig II's. I think just changing the speaker might get the sound I'm looking for. I use a Nak TA-4A, but would love to hear other amps as well.

["The soft top end of the original Vandy 2 was an essential part of that speaker's character (and charm). I say "Don't fight it".]
Current Vandersteen 2 Sig 2's mated with Quicksilver amps is a great match as it was some 25 years ago...The older 2c's were less detailed in the mid and top end.
25 years later current issue uses the 5a tweeter and now a newer mid range driver futher improves the long evolution of the model 2 Steen....
The first time I heard the 2C was with a very early set of our amps. They were revealing and musical- no troubles making bass either. We did several shows with Vandersteen speakers, using our smaller amps. One time Richard came into our room to check it out; he commented that our sound was better than what he was getting in his room, which was playing McCormack if memory serves. Both rooms had Sound Anchor stands for the speakers.

So if our little M-60 can drive them, they are an easy load and definitely do favor tubes. But they do have an impedance curve that allows transistors as well.