Hifigeek, Have you or has ARC (to your knowledge) re-tubed a pair of Classic 120's with the KT120 without modding the tranny. 120's with 120's that should be a match in heaven.
However we're talking 8 output tubes per amp and that could put a major load on the transformer. Could we have a complete meltdown of the transformer. Would this affect the 6FQ7 driving those tubes.
Space is not an issue with mine as i operate them without the cages on.
In all honesty, although those have been modded by Steve Huntley in 2005, i think i would get a better bang for the buck (sonically speaking) if i replace those with a REF150. I need to get a "loaner" from a dealer and do an A/B comparison in my system. A 150 would likely pair better with my REF3 LE and REF2 Phono and Verity Parsifal speakers than the 120's.
Have been an ARC fan for 25 years and have had the 120's for 22 years, replacing a CL60. Analog front end? Well, too many to count. If i had kept them all, my house would have turned into an ARC Museum.