Are Burmester Amps a good match with Aesthetix Pre

Hi guys need some quick advice, looking to for an amp change, I just wanted to know if the burmester 956 mkII is a proper match with my Aesthetix Calyspo Pre. Oh my Speakers are Snell Type Aiii. Thanks in advance for any help.
911 mk3 has very unussual electrical characteristics - very high gain (34db) and extremely low input impedance (2k balanced) - so if the 956 is similar in that regard, then it will not be optimal. A friend of mine was loosing tubes in his vtl all tube pre with 911 - the load was probably too severe.
I tried using a Conrad Johnson ET5 preamp with a 911mk3 and did not like the combo. The ET5 was heavenly with everything else but not the best match with my 911.
I have a match made in heaven with my 911 m3 and Concert Fidelity pre. Outstanding!
As already mentioned, the Burmester amps are typically designed with balanced-only inputs, have unusually low input impedance, and run at very high gain. This makes them difficult or impossible to run properly with many tube preamps. I am making a device called the Flex-Connect that overcomes these obstacles and allows any tube preamp to run these excellent amplifiers properly. Please see my website for more information.

Best regards,

Steve McCormack
SMc Audio