integrated amp suggestions solid state

i have been using a sim i5.3 for over 2 years now and a friend suggested to get something with more power(current).I listen to mainly jazz and classical.I have been looking at musical fidelity higher wattage amps and wonder if thats movin down the rung.I am working with budget so going to the evloution series would hurt,My speakers are addagios, cdp i5.3, az cabling.Some suggestions would be appreciated.Looking to stay solid state...thanks
You should try to check out the new Hegel h-200. It's a very natural sounding amp that has just won amp of the year from the Absolute Sound.
I would suggest a ''downgrade'' that would result in an ''upgrade''. Yamaha AS2000. Do an A/B with the Sim and believe...This amplifier is more refined with sonics, more complete, and not overpriced, even at full retail.
choice is made in the modright kwi 200.Very impressed with what im hearing so far.deeper into the sound stage we go.More dynamics refined.Power on reserve.