I agree with Mik971. The Cambridge stuff is quite good for the money (haven't heard the just released line though), but not in Bryston's league IMO. I own a B60 and have heard the B60 A/B'ed against a few Cambridge integrateds. No contest to my ears. The Cambridge stuff was always very good, but not Bryston good.
Have you considered a Bryston integrated? Not sure how difficult your Von Schweikwerts are to drive, but a B60 may struggle a bit with your planars. The B100 should do well, but that may be out of your range.
If you want a change and a B60 or B100 won't fit, how about a Bryston preamp? The BP6 and BP 25 come up here often enough. The BP26 is a very flexible preamp too. I don't know your preamp, so I can't say what direction a preamp move would be.