Ralph, you and I corresponded about the compatibility of my amp (ARC VS-115) and my fronts (Paradigm Sig. S-8s) a while ago. The S-8 is "nominally" rated as an 8 ohm speaker. However, as I recall, the impedance curve takes a dive at the 4 ohm level in the low bass register. But for the most part, the impedance curve looks like a roller coaster, but generally at much higher impedance levels.
I suspect that this is the case with many (maybe most?) speakers. So, what does that mean if one is driving their speakers with a tube amp and the impedance curve dips in the bass frequencies? Does that mean a tube amp will not be able to drive and control the woofers well?
I suspect that this is the case with many (maybe most?) speakers. So, what does that mean if one is driving their speakers with a tube amp and the impedance curve dips in the bass frequencies? Does that mean a tube amp will not be able to drive and control the woofers well?