Which Pre Amp Amp for New User? Opinions Please

I want to build a new 5.1 or 7.1 system and have a maximum budget of $20,000. This may be used equipment, however, I prefer solid, reliable gear that hopefully will not require time in the repair room. I have looked at McIntosh, Krell, Classe (I know, too much for my budget) but Audiogon has plenty of used choices, most of which are rated as "mint" or near mint. I am not looking for tubes. I don't expect to get a super deal. I want to step up from my current system. I need to find new speakers. The choices are phenomenal and I have spent hours and hours reading through the Audiogon forum. My impression is there is incredible knowledge here and I am looking for some friendly advice and direction.
Any suggestions about the above amps or something I haven't brought up which would be worth considering would be most appreciated.
Some amazing responses here. My 2 cents for speakers are Vandersteens. Richard V. just developed a new speaker for about $6k. I have 3A Signatures and they sound beautiful. The Sonus Faber cabinets are stunning but Vandy's sound every bit as good at a lower price. You have plenty of budget for everything, have fun.
I decided on the Parasound Halo A51 and an Integra DTC 80.3. I just bought a used Velodyne DD10 sub and am continuing to investigate front speakers and a center. I appreciate your recommendations and although I gave a $20,000 budget, I am now more realistic and it is between 12 and 14,000. Economic issues. Hope someone can give their 2cents opinion about a center and will it matter if it is a different manufacturer? My fireplace mantle is only 10" deep so that is another limiting factor. Thanks again!!
Congrats...you should have good quality power from Parasound though i am not familiar with that one. Velodyne DD10 should be great and straightforward to set up...even though the final 10% of finetuning takes some getting used to. Cannot help on Centers...i still like Sonus Faber for your speakers if you're willing to go second hand. just my 2 cents. enjoy!