Bass amp for a tri-amped system?

I have a speaker-required active crossover which feeds the mid/highs to 2, fet input/tube output 200 watt mono amps and the low frequencies to a Belles 350 stereo amp. I'm interested in tightening up the bass a bit and wondering if there is an older amp out there that might replace the Belles. I know the Krells have always had good grip on the bass, but wondering if there is anything else out there. Should I be thinking of any issues? Compatibility?
I've heard setups both ways. I think with a passive crossover, using the same amps makes sense and in my experience sounds better. With an active crossover it will sort of blend the two or three amps sound's together so there may be less sonic differences in the end and should sound like one voice. I would make sure to use all the same cabling either way I think. Your system looks and I'll bet sounds awesome. My speakers, Legacy Helix, are quadruple amped using a Xilica digital crossover and are supplied with about 3,600 watts per channel. Talk about headroom!
You might want to check out my system as well.
Thanks Sgr, I appreciate your perspective, especially after seeing your system!
Cabling to the amps are all Stealth Metacarbons with Stealth Indra upstream so I think I'm following your advice.
I asked this same question recently and didn't get a useful response -- maybe because I didn't provide enough info. What is the low frequency driver's nominal impedance and how about efficiency? I have a pair of subs with a 2.5 ohm nominal impedence that are over 90 dB per watt efficient. I don't need a lot of watts; I need current drive into low ohms. I'm looking at a Magtech or possibly a Coda. Plinius attracted my attention but not sure how it'd fare at sub- 4 ohms. My system is tri-amped, I use different amps and I have no problem with coherency but I have heard this argument. It certainly shouldn't be much of an issue with an active XO @ a low crossover point and a steep slope.
Nice to hear from you and thanks for the realistic feedback.. The Signatures have 2, open baffle 15" woofers in each speaker. They are 90dB efficient, but I don't know what their nominal impedance is. So you can see I'm looking for some "iron fisted" control at just those low frequencies. I took the liberty of checking out your system - very nice. I love my Tri-Planar arm too.
For good tight dry punchy low bass you need solid state amps with big low impedance power supplies, preferally DC coupled from input to output, with good current output so forget mosfets and go for bi-polar output devices.
You also need an amp that has good high damping factor (low output impedance) without the need of large amounts of feedback to get it, as too much feedback can make amps unstable.
Krells are good for this and over in Australia big ME (Modular Electronics) poweramps are even better.
Cheers George