Krell or Bryston 4SST2

i have oppo BDP-95 and HSU-15VTF....and looking for some nice sounding amp.....whick amp is not dull or muddy b/w those i mentioned above....appreciate thx.
I chose a Krell 700cx over the pass-labs used offerings a year ago!, My vote would be a used Krell over Bryston any day!cheers!
Wolf you got me there it is a bed of oysters indeed. There seems to be quite a lot of them the way people slurp them down, but they aren't cheap anymore and they have been gourmet-etized, with there bed and water of origin listed on the menu. I went out recently and at 2 or 3 bucks a piece it ain't like the sloppy hot sauce drenched dozens I ate when I vistited New Orleans. I hope they are still cheap and messy.
And Yes I suppose Pass is as good or better than Bryston or even Krell might be for some ears, I can't say. I just had to add an audio comment
Krell is very iffy about even surviving. Large breakdown rate on items of past few years.

Go Pass Labs. Better sound, thriving company.
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