Ticking noise in Audio Research Reference CD7

I have a relatively new CD7 (probably with about 1,500 hours on it) and it recently started making this ticking noise each time I press "play" or move between tracks ("forward" or "backward"). While just playing the noise isn't there.

Any ideas where this noise could be coming from/caused by?

Thanks Elebroth. Will check that out.

Btw, taking advantage of the ARC experts on this thread and bringing back to life a sort of already discussed matter, does anyone here have an opinion about the power supply tube upgrade of the CD7? Is it worth the while namely sound wise?

hello Amusb , before the power supply upgrade I already replaced all the 6H30P tubes by the DR versions .Absolutely worth the price , more dynamics .After the power upgrade I
have now two DR tuhes as spare , and directly replaced the penthode regulator tube by a NOS Tungsol 6550.Wow another step forward heavensgate .So DO THE POWER SUPPLY UPGRADE.
Regards from the Netherlands Hans
Thanks guys.
Anyone knows of a reliable and reasonably priced source for the DR version tubes?
Cheers from Paris.
Amuseb ...

ARC has all the tubes you need in stock. Also, as others have said, the power supply upgrade is well worth the nominal cost. Get the upgrade and new tubes at the same time. Hmm ... I wonder what the shipping cost will be from France?