Krell 750mcx or EVO 600

Hello all, I've got the itch...again.I have a KCT and EVO 505 and a pair of FPB 750mcx all in CAST powering a pair of Resolution 1's. I'm contimplating selling the 750's and moving to the EVO 600 (non e...out of budget) and selling the KCT and moving to the EVO 202

Thoughts please!!!
On the net I read that EVO 600 use a lot of electricity (bill up 100USD/month) and get awful hot. The new e version use far less electricity and get not so hot?
I don't now how the 700mcx are in those aspects.
Hi, Krell is showing their new amps at 2014 ces, let me know what your impressions are, Thankyou.
Hi fellow members, Go and look at what I posted on the Krell 302 and 302 evo E thread, I get heads up with krell and Taralabs way before most audiophiles do, thru their company E-mails and phone calls to me, best of luck fellow members
As far as this thread gos, LOl!, I would do the fpb 750mcx over the evolution 600 any day!, now the evo E may be a different story?