Jadis OR bias value for Mullard RL34 and KT88 help

I just swapped my Gold Lion (reissue) KT88 tubes for Mullard EL34's and was vwery surprised that the volume was so much lower. I checked the bias and found it to be less than 10mv while the KT88's had been biased at 110mv.
I rebiased the EL34's up to 90mv and the volume increased to what seemed to be "normal".
I am looking for the correct voltage to bias the new EL34 to in a Jadis Orchestra Reference.
Any help is appreciated.
It is too bad that you can't e-mail other Audiogon members anymore. My old friend Trelja could tell you about biasing EL-34s in a Jadis Orchestra Reference. BTW he did the same thing but swapped out the then standard KT-90s and loved the improvement.
I bought a used DA-60 with a mixed bunch of shot EL-34s in it and went the opposite way and put in the GL KT-88s which I though were much much better. It is time to retube and since I like a "big" sound I think I will try the GL KT-77s.
I was hoping Trelja would have spotted this thread.
I still have the GL kt88, which sound great. I actually am trying el34 based on Trelja's posts.
The official bias settings for whatever tubes you use in the JOR are 90 - 120 mV, with 110 mV considered the preferred target.

As you noticed, at 10 mV, there is hardly any current flowing through the tube, and to draw an analogy with water, the valve (as the British call them, and a better and more meaningful name) is just about fully shut.

I like both the KT88 and EL34 in the JOR, but my preference is the latter. Of course, your tastes may differ.

Was hoping to see you in NYC, Doctor. Had a great time at the show. As you said, this new world of not being able to contact people makes things hard on everyone.