Jadis OR bias value for Mullard RL34 and KT88 help

I just swapped my Gold Lion (reissue) KT88 tubes for Mullard EL34's and was vwery surprised that the volume was so much lower. I checked the bias and found it to be less than 10mv while the KT88's had been biased at 110mv.
I rebiased the EL34's up to 90mv and the volume increased to what seemed to be "normal".
I am looking for the correct voltage to bias the new EL34 to in a Jadis Orchestra Reference.
Any help is appreciated.
Thanks Trelja. That's what the manual stated but I just wanted to hear your thoughts since there was such a large difference in readings.
I am trying Mullards (new) because there was no JJ's that I could get my hands on immediately. I have about 12 hours on them so far. The bass is much softer than the kt88. I am not as concerned about that right now, but I am anxious the have the holographic sound stage back. I was wondering if the JJ's took very long to bloom. I also installed a pair of Tungsol 12ax7's at the same time, so I may be overly anxious to hear the same quality that I have been getting.
Joe do you still have the same e-mail I have been meaning to get in touch with you and perhaps visit. I have a lot to tell you about. My old e-mail will work if you want to try first. You know Micheal/Sufentil reached out a while back but I was terribly remiss in not answering, again a story with that. I seem have gotten disconnected from the PAAG. I know you aren't following them but If I had been in touch I would have made the New York Show.... I really should have gone to meet the industry people, I would love to get involved on that level.
I think you should be fine with the Mullards, Mattzack2.

The one thing I would say is to not put more than one variable in play at a time (Scientific Method), so that you can accurately assess the effect of each change. In other words, you should go back to your old 12AX7 for now to understand what the Mullard EL34 are providing. As the JOR employs the classic Dynaco (MKII, MKIII, ST70) circuit, the driver tubes play a pretty important role. Once you have a good handle (100 hours) on the Mullards, go ahead and reinstall the TungSol 12AX7. If things don't work out and you don't like the Mullards, perhaps I could purchase the from you?

The JJ E34L likely took a half day before I began to notice them, and a weekend (daytime, only) to really settle in. My speakers are pretty efficient, what are you driving with the JOR? Also, please remember to recheck/reset the bias.

Yes, same e-mail address, Doctor - TRELJA@aol.com and TRELJA@ultravioletaudio.com I've tried writing to you over the past year or so, but have had all my attempts bounce back to me. The NYC Show was great. In my most conservative estimation, easily five times the headcount of last year, with a much better venue. I'm sure as much of a success as turned out did this year, there should be substantial growth for next year's show.
I am driving a pair of Dali Helicon 800's at 89.5 db effiency which are no problem for the JOR. I even drive them with a 16wpc Carissa 845. I also have some Gemme Tantos that are a little over 90 but I prefer the Dalis
I am hoping to better the sound that I have with the GL kt88's. I love the holographic detail that I get with them. So far the EL34's seem very quiet in the bassiness and I'm thinking that should be improved with different 12ax7 tubes. I'd like to learn how good I can get the JOR to sound.

Which speakers do you have?
I played music all night and when I checked the sound this morning it was starting to fill the room and was emphasing more detail. I am much less skeptical about themnow.