Krell FPB 350Mcx's enough for THIEL 7.2's + CS5i's

I am hoping THIEL owners have some feedback regarding matching Krell Amps with these specific speakers. I have both the 7.2's and the 5i's. The 7.2's are in my primary dedicated listening room, and the 5i's are in the theater. I'd like to buy Mono's, but I am only running across the 350's for sale. I have concerns that these are enough for the low loads presented by the THIEL's. I'd like to have an amp that can handle either speaker so that I can swap them periodically and enjoy the subtle differences. Pre-Amp = Krell KCT, Let me know what experience you have with these speakers and Krell amps.
Interesting. I think the 750's would be a big push for me. I probably wouldn't stretch the speakers out enough to notice the difference. I do like the idea of not having to buy another set of amps though because i'm "wondering" what the 750's would sound like. I was even considering the McIntosh 1200 mono's at a slightly lower price point then the 750's.

I think if you wish to ensure you've just that extra bit of power, the 450mcx's should be sufficient for anything but the most extreme rooms and volumes (which would probably risk making you permanentenly deaf)

And for those who doubt that it can happen, i know some who wears 2 hearing aids now after an all-day concert-volume session with a pair of Alexandrias...he woke up the next day with very little hearing and it never came back...
The listening room is 18 ft wide, by 20 ft deep. The Theater is 18 wide by 24 ft deep. Good size rooms, but not enormous.

Got a little freaked out by the comment above RE: volume. I should probably do myself the favor and undercut the capacity. Can't use it if it isn't there. Thanks for the feedback.
Very nice sized room. You should be fine with either set of amps...i would still go for the 450mcx if you have the option... strangely, what i found in my own system is that the better the equipment, the less distortion, while i can play super-loud and not realize it...because the signal is so clean...i also can enjoy at super-low levels and not lose any detail, nor any bass...i've never had this in 20 years. So if u end up with 450mcx, who knows? you might turn it down instead...but always nice to know you can turn it up for theater...and never miss an explosion!