Krell FPB 350Mcx's enough for THIEL 7.2's + CS5i's

I am hoping THIEL owners have some feedback regarding matching Krell Amps with these specific speakers. I have both the 7.2's and the 5i's. The 7.2's are in my primary dedicated listening room, and the 5i's are in the theater. I'd like to buy Mono's, but I am only running across the 350's for sale. I have concerns that these are enough for the low loads presented by the THIEL's. I'd like to have an amp that can handle either speaker so that I can swap them periodically and enjoy the subtle differences. Pre-Amp = Krell KCT, Let me know what experience you have with these speakers and Krell amps.
DAvidstingray...sounds good! What CD player(s) are you considering? I am not an analog guy so unfortunately can only sit on the sidelines there and watch the game.
Congrats on the amps. I used the Krell 650M amps with the 7.2s for a couple years and was very happy with that pairing. Enjoy!
@Tom - Did you get rid of the Krells or the THIELs? or both?

I have been so impressed by the THIEL 7.2's. They have continued to improve with every component upgrade I have made over the past three years. They do an extraordinary job at reveling system limitations, recordings, etc. in my opinion.

@Lloyd - I am looking at Krell's specifically, however, I am going to have to wait and catch up on things before I pull the trigger on another acquisition. I have also been looking at a couple of the Mark Levinson units, but I am not as familiar with the product lines as I am Krell. For the time being, I am going to live with RCA's out of my current player. Oh the humanity.
I really like Krell with Thiels, though others seem to like Levinson with Thiels, I'm not amongst them.
As far as getting into vinyl; I'm of the opinion that unless you already have a large collection of vinyl, your time and money might be better spent elsewhere.