I recently realized a significate leap forward in musical performace with my modest system.It really knocked me on my ass. Unknown to me all this time I was not hearing what my system was really capable of directly due to cables in my tone arm and the rest of my system. V.P.I.s new Signature tone arm wired with Nordost Valhalla was the first step to something I was not fully expecting.Not by a long shot. From there it was only logical to carry on with more Nordost wire from my turntable to my Chenin. I bought a used burnt in pair of Nordost Frey interconnects to check out....OH MY GOD....Over the past three years I have tried out many different brands of moderate to expensive interconnects and speaker wire. Looking back, compared to what I have experienced with Nordost, all the others had a out right dismal effect.This tiny fragile signal from my cartridge to the phono stage was distroyed by the other brands of wire. I understand Nordost makes direct replacement wire from their new line including Valhalla for other brands of tonearms other then V.P.I.. This mono filiment wire takes an extraordinary long time to burn in.For those who do not like what Nordost wire does,you have not heard it fully burnt in,thats for sure. Nordost manufatures a cable cooker available to distributors and dealers.It will do tonearm wire, interconnets and speaker wire. Its needed believe me. You really what to find out how good your system is? Look into this.....