Preamp Deal of the Century

If anyone is looking for a true "World Class" preamp at a very fair price..heed my advice. I just recieved a Supratek Syrah preamp that was hand built by Mick Maloney in Western Australia, and it is absolutely beautiful! This preamp is the best deal you will ever find. I would put it up against any preamp out there for both looks and sound. Price? $2500 for the Syrah (includes Killer Phono stage). Not into phono? Try the Chardonney line stage for $2100. Don't get me wrong, I am not associated with this company. I am just a very happy owner! This preamp is VERY dynamic, yet liquid. It conveys the sound of music better than any other preamp that I have ever heard! You can check out the Supratek website at www.
I recently realized a significate leap forward in musical performace with my modest system.It really knocked me on my ass. Unknown to me all this time I was not hearing what my system was really capable of directly due to cables in my tone arm and the rest of my system. V.P.I.s new Signature tone arm wired with Nordost Valhalla was the first step to something I was not fully expecting.Not by a long shot. From there it was only logical to carry on with more Nordost wire from my turntable to my Chenin. I bought a used burnt in pair of Nordost Frey interconnects to check out....OH MY GOD....Over the past three years I have tried out many different brands of moderate to expensive interconnects and speaker wire. Looking back, compared to what I have experienced with Nordost, all the others had a out right dismal effect.This tiny fragile signal from my cartridge to the phono stage was distroyed by the other brands of wire. I understand Nordost makes direct replacement wire from their new line including Valhalla for other brands of tonearms other then V.P.I.. This mono filiment wire takes an extraordinary long time to burn in.For those who do not like what Nordost wire does,you have not heard it fully burnt in,thats for sure. Nordost manufatures a cable cooker available to distributors and dealers.It will do tonearm wire, interconnets and speaker wire. Its needed believe me. You really what to find out how good your system is? Look into this.....
Any further Malbec Impressions? I'm dying to find out how it sounds, especially paired with a Chenin Preamp.
Need to chime in with some feedback about my Sauv after a couple weeks: it is now really showing me what it can do. It is stunning me on everything now. Truly, I have the transparency I had with the TVC with a lot more body and dynamics where it counts. I have several vocal tracks that were my active preamp "torture test" - nothing else ever managed to avoid sounding veiled in comparison to the passive. Not the Sauv. It's just as revealing and better in the other ways mentioned. Still running the EH 6SN7s too. No regrets buying this piece unheard.
Paulfolbrecht or any other Audiogoners, the Sauvignon is the line stage version of the Cortese correct?

This product line is new to me.

Cost of this unit?

Does it have balanced XLR inputs?

If it does have XLR inputs how many sets?

It does offer balanced out correct?

Does Supratek have this specific pre in stock or is made on a ordered bases as they go?

The unit is remote controled correct?

What is the foot print size of each piece in inches?

When you orderd a unit how long does it take to receive?

Paulfolbrecht what is the associated equipement that you are using?

I have read that numerous people seem to have problems with noise from the power supply along with "microphonics" this really concerns me.

I don't want to even try this product if it is an issue.

What type of warranty do you get? and if there are problems with the product does the manufacture take care of it A.S.A.P.?

I received a email saying "I purchased a "Grange" and it did not work from the get go. It was weeks before "Mic" got back to me after numerous emails and phone calls, I finally spoke to Mic and refered me to take the unit to a local repair shop. With numerous trips back and forth to have the unit fixed ended up in frustration and in the end selling the unit and never even got refunded for the out of pocket money paid for the repairs."

This really disturbed me so I would like to hear from others.

That second last paragraph on the Grange sounds totally fictitious to me and possibly contrived rubbish from another jealous manufacturer!

Firstly, why would anyone just abandon a new $9,000 Rolls Royce of a preamplifier (unless you're a millionaire)? And secondly, from my experience Mick Maloney's product back-up is second-to-none. He places customer satisfaction at the top of his list of priorities and generally drops everything to look after customers. This is backed up by dozens of supportive comments on this forum.

Certainly, my own Grange has been operating faultlessly for the last two years and sounds absolutely wonderful ...
