Why do I like Class AB better than Class A?

So I just purchased a Plinius SA 100 MKIII, and have had 2 listening sessions comparing both with the toggle switch. To me clearly the AB is more detailed and focused, the A is warm but a little fuzzy and bloated, although I would give it a slight nod on just vocal songs. Am I just not use to the sound as this is my first A amp or have I not let it properly warm up for class A (1hour or so).
Don't get me wrong, i love the amp, great bottom end slam but I don't hear the holy grail from Class A. Thanks in advance for the input guys.
I have owned the Plinius III and always thought it sounded better in class A. How long are you allowing it to warms up? Needs maybe 20 minutes to sound like class A.
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Your PURE Class A Forte 4A was biased at 800 mA per node - resulting in an astonishing 9 watts in Pure class A into a 8 ohm load - the rest of it in A/B - and yes it ran hot, but it sounded pretty good. I have had several of them through here. My first "real" amp was its predecessor the 1A - in its a day a pretty good sounding amp too.

I owned the SA100MKIII and preferred class A over AB, it was really liquid and had better weight and a deeper soundstage, also more of an intimate and revealing inner glow quality.

not quite tubes but as close as I have heard from SS.

no contest in my book, on Maggie 1.6 btw...
Clarification on my above post. I left my Plinius SA 100 MK III on 24/7 in A/B but when I switched it to class A it took at least 20 minutes to reach the sound I desired.