FWIW, when comparing Threshold model amps that had similar chassis, though with differing bias, etc., that were sold as different models with either Class A or Class A/AB (Class AB) output; other than running hotter and with lower total power output, the Class A amps were smoother and more laid back, while the Class A/AB (Class AB) amps ran cooler, had more total power output, were more dynamic and more upfront, though not as suave.
Depending on the speakers, the room, preferred live musical event seating, sonic priorities, and of course budget, I could imagine different people having different preferences.
FWIW, I'd prefer the best of both worlds, cool running, dynamic, neither laid back nor forward, suave sounding, Class W hatever. So far it's typically been high powered Class A amps that have come closet to most of those ideals (except of course for the heat, which I could most easily make an exception for), unfortunately the costs of such amps have just as typically escaped me. High biased Class AB amps have so far become the prudent choice, at least for me. YMMV.
Class D might change all that, we shall see.
Depending on the speakers, the room, preferred live musical event seating, sonic priorities, and of course budget, I could imagine different people having different preferences.
FWIW, I'd prefer the best of both worlds, cool running, dynamic, neither laid back nor forward, suave sounding, Class W hatever. So far it's typically been high powered Class A amps that have come closet to most of those ideals (except of course for the heat, which I could most easily make an exception for), unfortunately the costs of such amps have just as typically escaped me. High biased Class AB amps have so far become the prudent choice, at least for me. YMMV.
Class D might change all that, we shall see.