Locating capacitors

I'm re-capping my tube amp. I'm having difficult locating some caps with a Google search. I'm not sure if they're made any more. Can anybody suggest a supplier that might have: SAMHWA axial (light blue casing)(GA) 85° C (M) 9104 350v. Thanks!
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I would choose the cap based on operating temp (105C preferred over 85 C), then the lowest ESR (equivalent series resistance), then finally ripple current (highest best). Load life is generaly the life of the capacitor operated at a given set of conditions specified by the manufacturer (like maximum temp of 105C and max ripple current) before it begins exceeding its specs (say for example, leakage current, which may steadily increase as the cap gets older). A 2000 Hr rating will not be as good as a 5000 hr rating, for example.
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