Looking for low-watt tube amp suggestions.

I have become intrigued by these. The two I have looked into so far are the Jolida FX10 and the GLOW Amp One. Any others I should check out?
Yep, and then upgraded it with the Sophia cap package. There's just more...more with the sound. It's surprising what comes out of my Abbys. I also listened to the FX10 and it was pleasant in a very colored sort of way. The Glow was great in a limited sort of way. The Baby does things you can't believe considering what it is. I have upgraded the 5670 tubes( RCA Command 5670WA) also to better match the Amperex tubes in my TTVJ phono stage.

It would also be helpful to know what speakers you will be driving. This will be a factor with some of the recs mentioned here (like my MiniWatt recommendation for example).