Looking for low-watt tube amp suggestions.

I have become intrigued by these. The two I have looked into so far are the Jolida FX10 and the GLOW Amp One. Any others I should check out?
05-25-12: Roscoeiii

It would also be helpful to know what speakers you will be driving. This will be a factor with some of the recs mentioned here (like my MiniWatt recommendation for example).



I will be using some bookshelf speakers that I made myself. Around 91db efficiency, but I don't need anything more than moderate volumes.

Eventually, I may get some Role Sampans or Zu Omens which should work even better.

Thanks for the recs.
+1 on the Audio Note OTO SE integrated amp. If you are looking for an amp only and do not need a pre-amp, the Audio Note P1 SE is the amp only version of the amplifier section of the OTO SE. If 10 wpc will do it for you, either one is a good choice.