Preamp Deal of the Century

If anyone is looking for a true "World Class" preamp at a very fair price..heed my advice. I just recieved a Supratek Syrah preamp that was hand built by Mick Maloney in Western Australia, and it is absolutely beautiful! This preamp is the best deal you will ever find. I would put it up against any preamp out there for both looks and sound. Price? $2500 for the Syrah (includes Killer Phono stage). Not into phono? Try the Chardonney line stage for $2100. Don't get me wrong, I am not associated with this company. I am just a very happy owner! This preamp is VERY dynamic, yet liquid. It conveys the sound of music better than any other preamp that I have ever heard! You can check out the Supratek website at www.
I think I've experienced similar midrange problem with my Chenin as well. My experience with tube rolling is very limited, but I feel NOS RCA Grey Glass helped in this regard.
I feel that most of the Supratek owners are kind of hush regarding this very issue and reading this thread very carefully, I've come across very few owners posting similar impressions as well.
I'm sure system synergy is very important, and one has to be very careful pairing Supratek preamps with the "right" amp and speakers.
I decided to give it another chance and oredered Cortese and Mondeuse, hoping that synergy will be "right".
Please, do share your further impressions.
I have ordered umbilical cord from Brad on 02/01/2007, every week he is promising to ship it next week. I really hope that this is not a scam. After one month he stopped answering my emails. I called him, he is just about to send it (for the forth time). What would not just he say that there is a 2 month backorder ? Why do some people do not have any regards to what they are saying? No self respect whatsoever....
Sorlowski, I understand how you feel. If Brad really has a problem fulfilling the orders, just say so. I don't mind waiting so long as the reasons are valid and he keeps me updated on the progress but nothing from him so far...
If anyone reading this knows Brad personally, perhaps you could let us know what's happening. Appreciate that.
Opus88 the glare issue seems to have been worked out for me by doing several things.....

1. I tube rolled and bought several sets of 6sn7 tubes here is what I bought
RCA's black base with grey glass
Sylvania's GTW ( I am at work so I can't rememeber axactly but it was the set that were for military use)
2 set's of Tung Sol's all black base
Ken Rads
I also replaced the rectifier tube with a Mullard. so far I have tried and burned in the RCA's and TungSol's. I did not like the RCA's but really like the TungSol's. With the RCA's the high's seemed a bit bright and the mids on some musical passages were harsh. I burned in all of the tunbes for about 100 hrs prior to listening. Did the same for the umbilical cord as well. Have not tried the Ken Rads or the Sylvania's hopefully I get to before my second child arrives. The other improvement I got from Tube rolling was that my loud thud through the speakers when you tap on the pre-amp is now completely gone....Everytime I went to mute or just tap the unit I would get this stinkin loud thud through the speakers...only when you tapped the unit or hit the mute a small thing but it did bother me. With the NOS tubes gone problem solved. It's been great. As for system cohesion I run an Accuphase A50A amp to B&W 802N speakers.
Thanks very much Ooslik...I just received some of the earliest RCA 6SN7GTs, and will try them in my system. I am also waiting to receive a few nice sets of early Ken Rads as well as single set of the Tungsol Rounds. Like you, I have on hand an early Mullard GZ34, but also a Mullard GZ33 and an Amperex 5AR4. The thuds and microphonics vary, of course, depending on what tubes are being used. In most instances, I can live with those issues. I just want to scotch the glare bugaboo. Beyond that, the Cortese is a wonderful unit. I have my slightly modified Air Tight ATM-3 monoblocks, and an extremely fine ribbon/driver hybrid pair of speakers built by the brilliant friend I alluded to in my previous comments. Then there's my Dunlavy SC-IVs, which are sitting in taped boxes in another room. As much as I enjoyed them, I have enjoyed the hybrids even more. Okay, enough for now. thanks again for the [hopefully] reassuring words.