Accuphase preamps

My research tells me that their preamps have some of the most features of solid state designs. Also, I have heard them @ CES, they sound very good indeed.

My question is, will they mate up ok with other brands of amps.

Right now I have Bryston amps, and a BP6P preamp, and I'm not too crazy about getting a BP26 because of lack of features.

It also appears that Accuphase is the better design as well. Am I wrong?

Hi Dave,

Electronics like A-65 and C-2410 deserve much better speakers than Focal Electra. There is really nothing wrong with these speakers, but they are not in the same class with the electronics you consider.

If you are set on Focal speakers (and they pair very well with Accuphase), and the current Utopia models are too expensive, then my advise is to look for a pair of Alto Utopia Be. These are very good speaker which are much better than the current Electra speakers. In fact Alto Be play in the same league with B&W 800D or Diamond models. Here in Europe these speakers are sold for 6-7K euros - the prices should be similar in USA, i.e. 6-7k dollars (of course I talk about demo or 2nd hand deals).

Other speakers brands to consider, beside what I have mentioned already in my previous posts here, are Veridity Audio and TAD (though TAD are extremely expensive).

I would advise you also in the case of Accuphase electronics to consider models from the previous generation, e.g A-45 or A-60 power amps and the C-2810 pre-amp (at these level you should not make much use of bass/trable potentiometers). The A-45 usually are sold for around 5k, while C-2810 for 8-9k and these two make a terific combo. (I spent 3-4 hours alone in a dealer room with this combo driving the B&W 802 and 800 diamonds speakers, and the A-45/C2810/B&W800 were IMO at least as good as a 300k all Gryphon system, i.e. Atlantis/Colosseum/Mirage). In case you would need more power than an A-45 can provide, then you could always add later a second A-45. Two A-45 may not sound quite as sweet as a single A-65 but will have much more power and will cost about halt.

Do not hurry things up and do not believe all the dealers' mambo jumbo, and of course let your ears decide.

Keep us posted!
Hi Paul,

Thanks for the detailed response and the suggestions! However, I'm not crazy about buying used...

Would you go bridged with 2 Accuphase amps?

Oh no, I'm in no hurry...I won't be auditioning until November, so no worries.

Of course I'll let my ears decide! That's the key!
Dealer make huge profits when selling Accuphase components. In the Netherlands and Belgium the retail prices are two times higher than in Japan. What I usually do is buy demo models form a reputable dealer but only after the next generation was announced/released. This way I get at least 30-40% off the retail price and also a full warranty. This is why I wrote you about the C-2410. Like C-2410 pre, the P-7100 power amp is also due to be replaced.

I do not have any experience with bridged configurations. But I often read that one does not get a significant improvement in sound (if at all) but only a lot more power.

Hi Paul,

The situation regarding pricing is very much the same here in the US. I might go that route i.e. demo models. Ok, sounds good, I will wait and see.

Are you certain that the C-2410 will be replaced?

Ok, that's fine on the bridged setup. I was thinking of getting 2 Class A amps and then bridging them for more power.
Hi Dave,

Of course, I am not 100% sure the C-2410 will be replaced soon. My
prediction is based on the past habits of the company.

I will do some more research about the C-2410, and also try to do a direct
comparison between C-2410 and C-2810 as I am thinking to move to
Accuphase separates (A-45 + C-2810 most likely) myself. I will keep you

Best wishes,